Solar construction frames

Roof mounted can be straight on your roof, we need in Portugal an angle of +\_ 30 degrees. The solar panels will be mounted on an aluminium frame. You can choose for micro converters or an inverter e.g. sunny boy .

One of the option of a wall mounted solar photovoltaic system. It is also possible to install the solar panels flat to the wall.

solar pv flat roof frame

On a flat roof we need an angle of +\_ 30 degrees and for this purpose we install this aluminium frames.

Triangles aluminium for solar energia, made by Energia Solar Solutions

Ground mounted with concrete ballast blocks. The panels will be installed on aluminium triangles of aluminium of 40mmx40mm and with the K2 mounting structure.

To see what is the best solution for your situation give Us a call at +351-91 77 66 88 0 or fill in the form below and we will get in touch with you.
